On Thursday, 21 September 2017 at 20:32:38 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:

Neither 'Bar!int' nor 'BarInt' appear in 'localClasses'.


The information you can retrieve through localClasses is limited.

AFAIK it only retrieves plain non-template classes declared directly in the module. Last I checked, non-template classes added via mixin were skipped as well.

I'm not sure how much work can be expected in this area. Things related to runtime reflection have slowly been getting removed from druntime and dmd. I don't think there's much left of it.

Your best bet is to scrape the info you need on your own using D's traits:


I would recommend trying to work with std.traits first (as opposed to __traits).

If you need to scan entire modules at a time, then start with something like this:

foreach(m; __traits(allMembers, fully.qualified.modulename))
    // __traits(getMember, ... , ...)

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