On Friday, 29 September 2017 at 10:32:02 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 29.09.2017 11:12, Don Clugston wrote:
Guess what this prints

import std.stdio;

void main()
   int i = 0;

   switch (i) for (i = 8; i < 10; ++i)
     case 7:

     default: ;

Why does this even compile? It's because the grammar is:

     switch ( Expression ) ScopeStatement

and ScopeStatement allows almost anything.
I think the only sane grammar is

     switch ( Expression ) BlockStatement

Initially I thought ScopeStatement was accepted in order to enable Duff's device, but it isn't necessary for that. It might have originally accepted ScopeStatement to support

E e; switch( e ) with (E) { .... }

Or it may have just been an accident.

It is very likely that this part of the grammar was deliberately copied from C. It's also consistent with how all other control flow constructs are parsed.

But regardless of the original motivation, it allows some truly dreadful semantics.

I don't see what your proposed grammar change accomplishes:

        case 7:

I.e., you seem to have misidentified the culprit. Whether or not to the curly braces are required by the parser has nothing to do with switch semantics.

That case looks quite different to me.
It's rather more obvious that the `for` statement has been skipped.

The problem I have with the original example is that it looks as though the body of the `for` loop is the body of the switch statement.

Can we disallow this silliness please?

Maybe this specific case can be disallowed during semantic (but I don't really see why it helps, it mostly just makes the language definition more complex).

I believe it makes it simpler. You cannot avoid the reference to BlockStatement.
Note that:  "A switch statement must have a default statement."

This is only possible only in two situations.

1. Silly degenerate case.
     switch (i) default: ;

2. A statement which contains a BlockStatement.

It accepts unreachable code.

  switch (i) if ( foo() ) {} else { default: ; }

A switch statement followed by anything other than a BlockStatement is *always* wrong. Always.

We improved the switch statement a lot by disallowing implicit fallthrough. But it still allows other nonsense that was presumably inherited from the very early days of K&R C.

This example just struck me as exceedingly silly, and quite misleading.

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