On Saturday, 7 October 2017 at 14:57:11 UTC, helxi wrote:
I would like to open a pull request in https://github.com/langserver/langserver.github.io to include serve-d (https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d). However I would like to know which of the following is provided by any of DCD and Dscanner and whether it's implemented:

Hi, serve-d developer here:

Fix-its => ?
There is automatic import fixing + a sort import (but not dscanner compatible) fix provided by serve-d

Source hover => ?

Signature Help => ?

Find References => ?
not implemented

Document Highlights => ?
not implemented, but planned (https://github.com/Pure-D/code-d/issues/50)

Rename => ?
not implemented

Code Lens => ?
not in serve-d

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