On Saturday, October 28, 2017 19:06:29 Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d 
> On Saturday, 28 October 2017 at 18:58:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
> wrote:
> > I am using wine to build our Windows toolchain on Linux per
> > https://wiki.dlang.org/Building_under_Posix. After building
> > dmd, I tried to unittest druntime:
> >
> > wine make -f win32.mak
> >
> > and got this:
> >
> > core.exception.AssertError@src\core\sync\mutex.d(380): unittest
> > failure
> >
> > Is this reproducible? Does anyone have an attack on this?
> Wine is not particularly stable emulation software when it comes
> to testing Windows.
> I’d recommend using Windows evaluation for server in a virtual
> machine. 180 days for free + prolongation.

Depending on what you're doing, wine can work, but it's not trustworthy at
all. I originally developed std.datetime's Windows implementation in wine
and had to fix stuff later as a result, because wine didn't act the same
way, and I'm fairly certain that the std.datetime unit tests will fail in
wine right now because of some places where it doesn't match Windows.

I definitely run some stuff using wine, but at this point, I'd never develop
anything using wine. It's far too risky. IMHO, at best, it might make sense
to develop something initially in wine and then go fix it up in Windows
later, but if you accidentally depend on some buggy behavior in wine, you
could end up wasting a lot of time trying to fix it in Windows. And assuming
that something developed using wine will work in Windows is just asking to
shoot yourself in the foot.

I'm all for fixing issues we find where something works in Windows but not
wine so long as the fix doesn't negatively affect running stuff in Windows,
but in general, if something doesn't work in wine that worked in Windows,
the wine guys have a bug.

Granted, the wine guys have a really nasty job to do to get everything
working, and they've arguably worked miracles to get where they are, but the
end result still has lots of problems. Some stuff works well, and other
stuff doesn't work at all - and most annoyingly, those two things could swap
between two releases of wine.

- Jonathan M Davis

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