dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org)'s article
Walter and I discussed quite a few times the possibility of defining
std.all that publically imports all of std. My experiments show that a
short script importing std.all will compile slower, but not too slow,
compared to a script that only import a few modules.

Vote++.  This would be a nice little convenience when writing small scripts in 
which I actually do quite often because I already know where basic APIs like 
I/O are in Phobos and I don't want to learn another API just for small scripts.
This goes along with the scaling down thing I was talking about a few days ago. 
well-designed language and library should be good for both big projects (making
complicated things possible) and small projects (making things simple).  std.all
would be a trivial addition that wouldn't clash with anything else and would
really help Phobos scale down better.

Sounds great. I'm even more encouraged by some brief measurement results. I timed dmd against this program:

void main(){}

Then against this program:

import std.stdio;
void main(){}

Then against this program:

import std.stdio;
void main(){}

For convenience of other testers I'm pasting std.all after this message.

The test machine is a 2.5 years old bottom-of-the-line Ubuntu laptop that seems to be in possession of the secret of immortality. Quiescent average run times:

* 0.23 seconds for the first program

* 0.64 seconds for the second program

* 0.98 seconds for the third program

I assume any program or script would have to include at least one module, and the marginal cost of including all other modules is low enough to be encouraging.


module std.all;

public import std.algorithm;
public import std.array;
//public import std.atomics;
public import std.base64;
public import std.bigint;
public import std.bitmanip;
public import std.boxer;
public import std.compiler;
public import std.complex;
public import std.contracts;
public import std.conv;
public import std.cpuid;
public import std.cstream;
public import std.ctype;
public import std.date;
public import std.datebase;
public import std.dateparse;
public import std.demangle;
public import std.encoding;
public import std.file;
public import std.format;
public import std.functional;
public import std.getopt;
public import std.intrinsic;
public import std.iterator;
public import std.json;
//public import std.loader;
public import std.math;
public import std.md5;
public import std.metastrings;
public import std.mmfile;
public import std.numeric;
public import std.outbuffer;
public import std.path;
public import std.perf;
public import std.process;
public import std.random;
public import std.range;
public import std.regex;
public import std.regexp;
public import std.signals;
public import std.socket;
public import std.socketstream;
public import std.stdint;
public import std.stdio;
public import std.stdiobase;
public import std.stream;
public import std.string;
public import std.syserror;
public import std.system;
public import std.traits;
public import std.typecons;
public import std.typetuple;
public import std.uni;
public import std.uri;
public import std.utf;
public import std.variant;
public import std.xml;
public import std.zip;
public import std.zlib;

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