On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 10:12:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, November 06, 2017 09:26:24 Satoshi via Digitalmars-d wrote:

_Everything_ that is added to the language complicates it further. It's one more thing that everyone learning the language has to learn and know and potentially deal with in code. Obviously, some things are worth the extra complication, or we'd all be programming in C, but there is always a cost to adding something, and the feature needs to be worth that cost.


I have gone through all the threads and none of the comment argues why we REALLY need Elvis in D. Seem to me like some kind of "language peer influence" or something.

It can be done as a library and using ternary works (more expressive). The problems we need to be solving ...I'm gonna cry :( ...we aren't talking about.

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