On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 22:46:20 UTC, Jon Degenhardt wrote:

I admittedly don't understand the argument that it should be hard to user programs to convert time durations to alternate standard units of measure. But even so, it would seem to make sense for the documentation of std.datetime.stopwatch to provide clear examples of printing a duration in different standard time units. In documentation's current form, it takes quite a bit of digging to figure out how to do this. I'd recommend at least making it clear in the documentation how to do this. Yes, this would also make it easier for users to convert to float, but printing in standard units of measure is a rather basic operation.


I had the same problem with some benchmark intensive project. It took me some time to resolve the deprecations, but I lost more time diging for a way to display times in a human readable form. Internal representations of durations are useless if you cannot display them in a standard unit of measure.

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