On 11/17/17 17:31, Indigo wrote:
What is your reasoning for coming to the US? You might want to rethink
this as America is collapsing.

This is news to me, and I live in the US. Also, if the US is collapsing, that is very bad news for D, seeing as how I live about 45 minutes from Walter, and Andrei lives in the US as well.

I think people often mistake the breathless bleating in the news for reality. In the end, I am confident that reality will prevail. It has such an ... uncompromising way about it. :)

With that resolved, let us return to the topic at hand.

To get an H1B you'll want to get a job with one of the majors. Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon. There are smaller companies, but the majors have a dedicated team of lawyers who can guide your H1B through the process. It is the consulting body-shops are bearing the brunt of the crackdown. Much to the rejoicing of the H1B's on my team. Second, getting a green card for an H1B is easily a 10 year wait. You'll be in for the long-haul. :)

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
import quiet.dlang.dev;

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