On Friday, 24 November 2017 at 03:07:57 UTC, Indigo wrote:

If you believe any of our "leaders" are actually leading this country in the right direction(regardless of party) then you are an imbecile. I hope you don't believe that. Those that think Trump is president material are morons. Those that think Hilary is president material are also morons.

Neither were presidential material. Hilary lacked a coherent and energising vision, and she deserved to lose IMHO. People liked the arrogant assertiveness of Trump (some of the time). Unfortunately, he's has set out to make friends with his enemies, and enemies with his friends. He really is a moron. Instead of dealing with the 'real' threats in the world, he's set out to make enemies of the U.S secret agency heads, buddy up to that other moron that runs Russia, and play juvenile tit for tat with another moron that runs North Korea. And China simply cannot be trusted, full stop. They're all morons!

Trump has the U.S best interests at heart. Ha!

But he got there through the democratic process... and he can be removed through the same process, unlike those other countries I just mentioned.

What is your solution anyway? I haven't heard one yet. That's what politicians are good at ;-)

I think a universal income, and universal health, has to be part of any fair society going forward. Many agree.. it makes complete sense... but just not those in government - although i believe its being trialled somewhere. I don't know how you pay for it. But then again, money is a resource that humans have created to restrict themselves. It's not something nature imposed on us.

Zuckerberg put forward a great vision in his speech. Only the corrupt would say otherwise. And business and power does have a tendency to corrupt. So I reserve my opinion of him. I hope he runs for the next presidency, and then we'll see I guess.

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