On 12/3/2017 2:32 AM, Iain Buclaw wrote:
People have been making alternative druntime libraries for a while
now, either as stubs inside their own project, or by using minilibd.
There's nothing stopping you from simply swapping out druntime for
another implementation.

It may indeed work to use a special druntime. My expectation, however, is that it's a lot more work trying to develop and support another runtime library, and a lot more work for the user trying to get that library worked into his build system. This will drastically cut down on the number of users willing to give it a try.

(Consider the ENDLESS problems Win64 users have trying to link in the VC C runtime library, something that should be trivial. And these are experienced VC developers.)

Meanwhile, we've got -betterC today, and it's simple and it works.

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