On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 19:28:12 UTC, Ivan Trombley wrote:
There are issues with using "--build-mode=singleFile --parallel". On Windows I get errors saying that it can't write out some intermediate files (it looks like the file names may be too long for Windows) and on Linux, it makes the executable at least 3 MB larger in release mode. Also, it doesn't always seem to make building faster. On a 2 core i7 machine, it actually takes nearly twice as long to build.

On my old i7-950, simple demo (cairo_clock) compiles (in release mode) below 4 minutes and uses 1.8GB of RAM (linux, one core used).
Rebuild is done in about 3 seconds.
I think Windows may introduce some problems in case of parallel access to files (especially if something is deleted). But I have no idea why your builds last so long. :/

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