On Thursday, 7 December 2017 at 01:21:11 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

I can add this to LDC pretty easily, but does anyone else have a use for this (e.g. shrinking binary sizes for mixin heavy codebases) and would benefit having this as a standard thing?

I've thought about this in the past, but never really pursued it much to see if there are already existing facilities in the language to accomplish what I want.

I want to enforce that a method is only used at compile time. That is I want either the compiler or the linker to throw an error if I've accidentally used a function at runtime when I only intended it to be used at compile-time. Also, I want the compiler to let me know if my intended-for-compile-time-only function cannot be used at compile-time because I mistakenly made it dependent on something that is only available at runtime.

That being said, I want D's features to carry their weight. I would first like to prove that facilities don't already exist or that existing facilities are too cumbersome to accomplish said goal before adding such a feature.

Also, my primary motivation for using D is so I can program resource-constrained microcontrollers in a more fun and convenient language than C/C++. I've definitely encountered code-size problems in D, but they were mostly due to the compiler's unnecessary coupling to the runtime, and the way the compiler generated code as the linker couldn't prove that the code was dead (Exhibit A: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14758). I don't yet see how @ctfeonly would help with that.


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