On Friday, 8 December 2017 at 19:34:51 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
On Friday, 8 December 2017 at 19:21:11 UTC, Anton Pastukhov wrote:
Trying to build serve-d on 4gb RAM laptop, it quickly runs out of memory and crashes. What are minimal system requirements for it? Is it related to serve-d or to dmd/dub/whatever?

building has very high memory requirements because... uh... well idk, dependencies?

I managed to compile it on my 4GB + 2GB swap linux laptop though so it shouldn't be so high.

Anyway precompiled binaries will be available for linux and windows once it is stable and code-d updated to it

Well, I managed to do a build with exactly the same config (4gb + 2gb swap) after killing all GUI processes, from text console. So this reqirements may be considered minimal (for now).

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