On Sunday, 10 December 2017 at 21:00:08 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
ldc has better support

Just to be clear, LDC doesn't aim at incrementally "better support", but support, full stop.

Granted, it has probably seen less real-world use than shared library support on Linux so there might be some bugs still, but the design should be technically sound.

but we lose compile time speed of dmd

It might be true that non-release builds in DMD are a bit quicker to compile, but the difference definitely isn't large enough to "render[s] many use cases impossible, preventing more widespread adoption" as you mentioned earlier.

Yes, having shared library support in DMD would certainly be nice to have (given that there is already a working implementation, that shouldn't even be too difficult). But in the meantime, there is a perfectly workable alternative.


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