On Monday, 11 December 2017 at 20:45:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/11/2017 6:22 AM, Jakob Bornecrantz wrote:
There are loads of implementations of CommonMark https://github.com/commonmark/CommonMark/wiki/List-of-CommonMark-Implementations

They appear to be libraries that offer an implementation. Does the Markdown used in github, reddit, wikipedia, doxygen, etc., use any of those libraries?

Github in the past used something called Github Flavored Markdown, which was Markdown + whatever quirks where in the ruby implementation of Markdown + Tables. Not Markdown. The same with all of the others, they all had different quirks because the markdown "spec" was bad. Let me use a different technology as a analogy.

Walter: We should use HTML for DDOC!

Others: Cool, but can you use CommonTML (HTML5), it has this cool spec and actual tests that make sure it looks the same, and that the code you have written is robust. HTML isn't really a standard as such, you are not sure what you get and there is no agreed upon testsuit, so you aren't even sure you get the same results with different versions of your own code.

Walter: Is this used elsewhere? I really want HTML.

Others: Here is the spec and a bunch of implementations.

Walter: But HTML is more common, its used in Netscape Navigator and IE6.

Others: *collective headdesk*

What I'm trying to get at is, use the testsuit and spec, it will save you lot of other problems down the road. And you will be making the world of Markdown a better place because there will be one less implementation that does things slightly differently.

the one I have written is not listed. That covers 1 and 2.

I didn't know you wrote one. There are 3 Markdown packages on Dub:


and I don't see your name on them. I strongly recommend you register yours with Dub (if it is in D) and on the commonmark site!

It is not written in D, but the language is close enough in concepts that it can be mechanically ported into D, and is licensed under BOOST. Feel free to do what ever to it[1].

We first used the markdown parser from vibe.d, when we threw the CommonMark testsuit, 10 tests segfaulted and 1 infinite-spun in a loop somewhere in the code. We then rewrote from scratch using the recommended practices from the CommonMark spec and the XML output from cmark as a guide.

The code is used in our documentation system. Both doc-comments and outside documentation files are written in CommonMark. The doc-comments uses Doxygen tags which is then run through CommonMark, most of the time it does nothing to the comments, but if you want to write long comments it makes it much more natural and enjoyable.

[1] https://github.com/VoltLang/Watt/tree/master/markdown/src/watt/markdown

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