Following the discussion at, we realized that there's quite some overhead in importing some Phobos modules. Ideally importing a Phobos module without using it, should be cost-free (i.e. pay for what you use).

Test case: consider a file with `import std.X` and compile it with `dmd -c -o-`.

A quick overview of the worst of the worst:

std.regex       1.03s    0.28s
std.concurrency 0.23s
std.encoding    0.18s         0.16s
std.path        0.14s
std.file        0.14s
std.mmfile      0.14s
std.datetime    0.14s
std.socket      0.12s
std.string      0.10s
std.uni         0.09s
std.process     0.05s

This following discussions have already brought a huge improvements to its light:

Can you do a another one?

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