On Thursday, 28 December 2017 at 02:53:56 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:
On Thursday, 28 December 2017 at 02:48:11 UTC, codephantom wrote:


Thanks Ill watch it, but when I mentioned worse is better I didn't had C++ in mind. I thought at new language who gains traction lately but it is clearly inferior to D technically.

It was... Go.

I tried Go. I didn't like it. Syntax changes were not necessary, and I got the feeling that the philosophy of Go, is that programmers are incompetent and need training wheels. It wasn't for me.

I looked at Rust, but never tried it, as I found the syntax to pretty awful - and it reminded my too much of C++.

I looked at D, it looked nice. Syntax was familiar, and very C like (which is the best kind of syntax IMHO). I decided to try it.. and I just found it easy to work with...despite some bugs, which you kinda of have to accept for now..but it's getting a lot better.

Most importantly for me, is that it works on FreeBSD, otherwise I'll lose interest immediately. I still use C though, as C is still 'the' primary language on x..BSD, and will remains so for the forseeable future.

But gee.. I can do things in D so easily and quickly compare to C, and I don't feel like I giving up much for that convenience. Compare that to running dotnet ... grrrr...you sit there just waiting for the program to load.

So everyone comes to a new language with their own requirements.

Work out what your's are... or just play with it.. and enjoy what it has to offer.

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