Am 07.01.2018 um 16:40 schrieb H3XT3CH:

I need it for windows and linux but primary for windows

On windows there is the MiniDumpWriteDump function:

This might sound misleading but besides being able to write out a minidump, which essentially only contains the stacks of all threads, you can also write out a full dump which contains all memory of the process. Usually these files are named *.dmp on windows. You can then open these *.dmp files with WinDBG or the Visual Studio Debugger and inspect the state of the program at which the dump was taken just you would normally inspect a running program at a breakpoint.

What I have been doing in the past is:
- Set a exception handler via SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
- The exception handler writes out a minidump and calls a extrnal process
- The external process prompts the user for additional information on the crash and uploads the minidump into a crash database. - I inspect the crash database and see whats going wrong for the users of my programs.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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