On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 19:28:08 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I know a project where D could benefit from gRPC in D, which is not among the supported languages:


Do you think gRPC support is worth adding to GSOC 2018 ideas?



Problem here is that D lacks a proper http/2 stack.
unfortunately due to time constraints my libh2o binding project got stuck.

Imo the real problem with D is still that phobos does not provide the important building blocks for today modern infrastrucutre:

- fast and standardized eventloop compatible with Ds concurrency primitives
- network protocol libs/ bindings ( http, http/2, tls, dns )

until there is effort to do this D will continue to be an ecosystem of hacks. I really like vibe.d but it comes with a lot of problems and it has the focus of providing a usable web framework and not implementing protocols in a fast and reusable way.

so as long as "management" does not decide that internet protocols is something important in D nothing useful will come out. Just look how beautiful Golangs protocol implementations are and the whole ecosystem that focused effort spawned.

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