On 28/01/18 03:13, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, January 27, 2018 19:42:26 Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-
d wrote:
Well, a virtual function may expect that the ctor has been run, and
expect that members are different from their init values.

Yes, but you can have that problem even without getting inheritance involve.

Indeed. D's lack of proper definition of when underlying objects are initialized will strike you here as well.


Here, at least, you can view the problem locally. The problem is 100% contained in the constructor definition, and if it strikes you, you know where to look for it.

With the inherited class case, that's not so simple. I can inherit your class, and then you can change your class' destructor definition, and I'll be caught completely off guard.

A second point is that while the constructor may choose when to call the parent's constructor, the destructor has no such prerogative.

Finally, even if you can control when your parent is destroyed, that doesn't mean there is anything you can do about it. If your class inherently needs a functioning parent in order to do its stuff, then you have no choice but to call the parent's super before doing anything else in the constructor. If the parent then chooses to call virtual functions, you might be facing a problem with no tools to resolve it.

C++'s method of initializing parents is ugly as hell and a little confusing, but it is extremely clean and well defined. Both the compiler and the programmer know for sure what has been initialized, and no accidental calling of or relying on uninitialized members is possible.


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