On Saturday, 3 February 2018 at 08:18:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Feb 02, 2018 at 08:16:25PM -0800, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 2/2/2018 7:06 AM, Benny wrote:
> Other languages have slogans, they have selling points.
> > When i hear Go, you hear uniformal, fast, simple syntax > language.
> When i hear Rust, you hear safe, manual memory management.
> When i hear D, you hear ... ... ... ...

                          Fast code, fast

Frankly, that slogan makes me cringe. Makes D sound like a fast food chain -- cheap code, fast. Would you like fa^Wfries with that?

Yup I agree, it's a horrible slogan. Speed isn't even a priority in D, if it was so many things would be different.

- Make dmd's optimizer better, esp. with loop unrolling on par with ldc/gdc, or better, so that we don't keep having to defend poor dmd
  benchmarks with "use ldc/gdc instead";

I don't think time should be wasted on making DMD's optimizer better. It's not an easy job and it'll just pull resources for something that has no purpose. The compile times with DMD -O can vary dramatically, it's best just to not use it at all. The reason I hear as to why DMD even exists instead of just having 1 compiler like Rust or any other language that isn't 20+ years old. Is cause DMD's unoptimized compilation is fast and creates reasonably fast enough code for debugging.

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