Zexx Wrote:

> Have you heard of language called Vala? They came to the same idea - C# is a 
> scripting language for web apps, but it's not suitable for demanding 
> applications.
> I myself used Delphi for a long time because Object Pascal provided me with 
> all the modern features and modern IDE that left competitors in dust. 
> Especiall Microsoft's pityful Visual Studio 6. Unfortunately, Microsoft 
> responded by buying shares of Borland, made them go NET and... that was the 
> end of Delphi as native language. Embarcadero isn't "el salvatore" either.
> C and C++ programmers search for a modern language too. Java and C# 
> programmers have modern languages, but their programs waste 10 times more 
> memory than necessary and aren't suitable for resource demanding applications.
> The creators of D and Vala know why they created it. Maybe there are other 
> similar projects. But why work separately? There's no chance for success when 
> working like that.
> I propose uniting. Lets make programmers busy on the same goal, instead of 5 
> separate ones. Making a modern language is only the first part. Other parts 
> are harder.
> 1. Quality, fast, optimizing cross-platform compilers. Speed of compilation 
> is important too.
> 2. IDEs where you can write and debug code, but NOT only that. IDEs where you 
> can create visual applications with ease. There will be no popularity util 
> there's a visual forms editor similar to that in MS Visual Studio or Delphi.
> 3. Lots of libraries for all purposes (including ports of existing 
> libraries), so that one doesn't have to reinvent the wheel every time a 
> different project is started.
> 4. A dedicated web site where you can upload and download libraries and 
> components, whether free or commercial. Where you can find everything you 
> need when you need it, or a place where you can share (or sell) libraries 
> that you made.
> 5. Lots of shiny, new, beautiful visual controls already coming in the 
> package. Some programmers are happy if their programs use standard Linux or 
> Windows style. That's not enough anymore. 
> Programs made with a new tool that kicks arse must attract people. Not  only 
> by functionality and usability, but by looks too. So that new programmers 
> wish to make their applications in that and not in other development tools. 
> Mediocre-looking software won't win any followers.
> A dedicated team that makes controls must be formed. And they shouldn't just 
> copy Office 2007 controls, they should be beyond that. Programs written in a 
> new unified language must look excellent and modern, to attract young 
> programmers and increase overall popularity of the new language / 
> environment. 
> Those are all the necessary steps. None of that is unnecessary. Without that 
> D and Vala will stay just experiments. And nobody wants that. Except maybe 
> Microsoft, Sun and Google.

My personal opinion - Vala is a waste unnecessary effort. Vala is a 99.9% a 
reimplementation of C# on top of the GObject system. Had I wanted useing C# I 
would have just use the .net version or the mon version if I'm on *nix. I don't 
see any benefit in using the C based Gobject system either. 

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