retard wrote:
I agree some disciplines are hard to follow. For example ensuring immutability in a inherently mutable language. But TDD is something a bit easier - it's a lot higher level. It's easy to remember that you can't write any code into production code folder unless there is already code in test folder. You can verify with code coverage tools that you didn't forget to write some tests. In TDD the whole code looks different. You build it to be easily testable. It's provably a good way to write code - almost every company nowadays uses TDD and agile methods such as Scrum.

I totally agree with the value of unittests. That's why D has them built in to the language, and even has a code coverage analyzer built in so you can see how good your unit tests are.

Where you and I disagree is on the notion that unit tests are a good enough replacement for static verification. For me it's like using a sports car to tow a trailer.

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