On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 17:01:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

   version (X86)
        enum O_CREAT        = 0x40;     // octal     0100
        enum O_EXCL         = 0x80;     // octal     0200
        enum O_NOCTTY       = 0x100;    // octal     0400
        enum O_TRUNC        = 0x200;    // octal    01000

Dunno, hex reads better here. Octal is only good for unix permissions which are grouped by 3 bits, which is not the case for io constants - these are usual ungrouped flags that are always done with hex and are easier to understand in hex. If you're desperate, octal can be also written as (1<<6)|(2<<3)|(4).

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