BCS, el  2 de diciembre a las 21:16 me escribiste:
> Hello Leandro,
> >BCS, el  2 de diciembre a las 17:37 me escribiste:
> >
> >>Hello Leandro,
> >>
> >>>If you say dynamic languages don't have metaprogramming
> >>>capabilities, you just don't have any idea of what a dynamic
> >>>language really is.
> >>>
> >>If you say you can do metaprogramming at runtime you just don't have
> >>any idea of what I want to do with metaprogramming. For example:
> >>
> >What you say next, is not metaprogramming per se, they are performance
> >issues (that you resolve using compile-time metaprogramming). You're
> >missing the point.
> No you're missing MY point. I was very careful to add "what I want
> to do with" to my statement. It might not be true for you but what I
> asserts is true for me. Most of the things *I* want from
> metaprogramming must be done as compile time metaprogramming. Saying
> "dynamic languages can do something at run time" doesn't imply that
> there is nothing more to be had by doing it at compile time.

Well, I will have to do like Monty Python then. This thread is getting too
silly, so I'll have to end it.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
¿Cómo estais? ¿Cómo os senteis hoy 29 del membre de 1961 día en que
conmemoreramos la nonésima setima nebulización del martir Peperino
Pómoro junto al Rolo Puente en la ciudad de Jadad?
        -- Peperino Pómoro

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