I'm trying to sketch a simple compile-time reflection system, and https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18422 is a blocker of the entire approach. My intent is to have a struct Module, which can be initialized with a module name; then:

struct Module
    private string name;
    Data[] data(); // all data declarations
    Function[] functions();
    Struct[] structs();
    Class[] classes();
    Union[] unions();
    Enum[] enums();

Then each of those types carries the appropriate information. Notably, there are no templates involved, although all code is evaluated during compilation. Non-data information (types, qualifiers etc) is carried as strings. This allows for simple arrays to convey heterogeneous information such as "all functions in this module", even though their signatures are different.

This makes for a simple and easy to use system for introspecting things during compilation. Clearly in order to do that some of these compile-time strings must be mixed in, which is why https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18422 is so problematic.

Until we discuss a fix, are there any workarounds?



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