On 3/3/2018 5:29 PM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
The use of comma-separated arguments is something I've argued against for other switches. The use of `-release=in -release=out` should be fine and is less confusing/buggy to implement.
Why?  Implementation is trivial (unit testable no less!) , see https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/7863 and extensible to other args.

It's not trivial. First, it's 100 lines of code (with no comments) just for that, and there are templates and behaviors with memory allocation. Moving along that path, we're gradually reinventing std.getopt which is 1814 lines (with comments).

Generally, people will be driving dmd with a makefile, dmd.conf, or other response file. It's complicated enough already, and gets constantly worse. Once in, we're stuck with it forever. I just don't feel it is worthwhile spending time on this.

I think aggregation is a good idea. So is phrasing in the positive sense, except for it looks like xxx and yyy are _off_ by default, where surely we want all checks _on_ by default.

The default is that they're all on. So to just have one on, first turn them all off then turn on the desired ones.

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