On 2009-12-03 01:13:13 +0100, Jesse Phillips <jessekphillip...@gmail.com> said:
This has come up as one issue for adoption to D. D2.x is on its way, unstable, and D1.x is getting the ax. While Walter has said that the compiler will continue to get support, no one in the community knows what the library support will be like. I came across an article where even Python wasn't chosen for a project because of the eminent release of Python 3. He also dismisses Ruby and Clojure for other complaints people have expressed about D.

--  http://postabon.posterous.com/why-i-chose-common-lisp-over-python-ruby-and

It's just one opinion. Others will use Python, because Guido van Rossum is not afraid to fix, change, and improve things, even in point releases.

I'd rather see D follow the Python path in this respect after D2 is finished, than the C++ 'the world freezes' approach. At times, it is inconvenient, but it also keeps a language and its library vital.

-- Daniel

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