On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 09:28:39 UTC, aliak wrote:
Does this maybe boil down to if two templates should be covariant on their parameter types?

I'm not sure if this is always good. I haven't thought about it deeply, but I assume that some templated functions should be contravariant, and that there is no catch-all rule.

inference, in theory Rebindable!(const Derived) can be completely different than Rebindable(const Base). So are covariant return types even possible I wonder?

I don't think covariant return types will work here with the 2018-03 language spec. We're returning structs (Rebindable!Something) and covariant return types is specifically for classes. :-)

It's one of the reasons why I shun wrapping types unless the benefit is really big.

If D had implicit conversions then types can specifically say that they explicitly allow behavior like this where it made sense though.

Yeah -- it shifts another burden of implementation to library type authors, I'm not sure if this path should be followed, especially since implicit constructor calls are shunned in D. (I have no opinion whether C++'s implicit constructor calls are handy enough for the obscured program flow.)

* * *

Here's another example where wrapped class references fail: You can override opEquals in the class, and the struct's opEquals need not necessarily call that.

    import std.stdio;
    import std.typecons;

    class C {
        int x;
        override bool opEquals(Object rhsObj)
            const(C) rhs = cast(const(C)) rhsObj;
            return this.x == rhs.x;

    void main()
        C a = new C();
        C b = new C();
assert (a == b); // OK: Even though a !is b, we overrode opEquals // and compare a.x == b.x, which is true (0 == 0).

        Rebindable!(const(C)) ca = a;
        Rebindable!(const(C)) cb = b;
assert (ca == cb); // Fails! struct Rebindable doesn't forward its
                           // opEquals to the class's opEquals!

If this is by design, then it's very surprising. I've reported this as a bug to get a judgement from the Phobos authors: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18615

-- Simon

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