On 04/01/2018 03:08 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 3/31/18 8:32 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
What exactly is it about this(this) that blocks us from doing that?

See the updated docs. Too many bugs in design and implementation.

Removing this(this) is going to be a huge breaking change far bigger
than, say, removing autodecoding ever will be.

We're not removing it as much as evolving it: we define an alternate copying mechanism, and once that is in tip-top shape, we deprecate this(this).

Is there a fundamental flaw in the postblit idea, or are you just going to give postblit a new syntax, and try to avoid all the issues that `this(this)` currently has?

If there's a fundamental flaw, I'd be interested in what it is. I can't make it out in your additions to the spec, if it's in there. I can see that `this(this)` is a mess, but it also looks like a lot could be fixed. For example, how it interacts with const/immutable is ridiculous, but that could probably be fixed.

If you're just going for a clean slate, I can see the appeal. You avoid dealing with the hard breakage that fixing `this(this)` would most probably bring.

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