A bit off topic, yet still relevant given the ongoing attempts for D to be usable on the games industry.

At this year's GDC Unity had a few talks of the new subsystems being transitioning from internal engine code in C++ into upper layers written in C#.

For that purpose they are introducing a new compiler, based on LLVM and targeted to a subset of C# features, they are calling it High Performace C#.

Keypoints of the subset:

- Only structs are used, no classes;
- .NET collections are replaced by native collections that manage their own memory
- No code that would trigger GC is allowed
- Compiler is aware of Unity features and is able to explore SIMD, by doing auto-vectorization, and transparently transform structs fields into optimal representations

They plan to take advantage of the new C# 7.x ref type features after integrating the new compiler infrastructure.

"Unity at GDC - C# Sharp to Machine Code"


Also relevant,

"Job System & Entity Component System"

"A Data Oriented Approach to Using Component Systems"


Some might remember Mike Acton's talk at CppCon about data-oriented programming, he is one of the developers leading this effort.


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