On 04/03/2018 04:26 PM, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 04/03/2018 05:13 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Unfortunately, I found out that it's not just "pre-filled with some values". Member postblits are run before the containing postblit.


So this means, the data that is available to the postblit has already been processed.

There's a similar situation with constructors: A constructor can call another constructor, which can lead to double initialization of fields.


class C
     int x;
     this() immutable
         this(42); /* Initializes x. */
         x = 13; /* Breaking immutable, or ok? */
     this(int x) immutable
         this.x = x;

Let's replace "int" with an UDT:

struct S
    int x = -1;
    this(int y) immutable { x = y; }
    void opAssign(int) immutable;

class C
    S x;
    this() immutable
        this(42); /* Initializes x. */
        x = 13; /* Breaking immutable, or ok? */
    this(int x) immutable
        this.x = x;

This code compiles, and calls the constructor twice for the same object. Clearly that shouldn't be allowed to pass. I've submitted https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18719 - thanks! (The problem seems to occur even without immutable, it's endemic to forwarding constructors.)


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