On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 20:49:30 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Why do you think it's less efficient to use a lazy parameter?

Wouldn't an extra function call have to happen, at least in some cases?

This pattern needs a pointer to be returned, instead of using `ref`. Note that `&inserted` is valid in @safe code, but only with -dip1000. I called the function `slot` because it always returns the address of the slot which the value is stored in.
Returning ref makes more sense to me -- you are never going to return null.

How do you implement this if the function returns with ref:

bool inserted;
auto p = aa.slot("key", &inserted);
if (inserted) {
  // set *p
else {
  // read *p
  // set *p

There is a common basic use case for this - counting the occurrence of a key in a data set. If the key doesn't exist, initialize and insert the value. *Iff* it does exist, increment the value - I don't think you can do this without functional contortions with your ref return.

(A side benefit is that returning a pointer is consistent with `in`.)

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