On Tuesday, 17 April 2018 at 19:39:54 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I came across this Tcl advocacy article on Reddit (the article is from 2006):


"Everything is a string" concept of Tcl reminded me of how D can generate code as string. So, Tcl's 'uplevel' is like string mixins. It's also similar to how body of 'static if' is inserted into this context.


Hmm interesting I had not thought of it that way. Since Tcl's Uplevel executes a script in a different stack frame / scope to the current executing code in Tcl and returns the result so i always thought string mixin's are more of a compile time eval rather than Uplevel. Seeing your post and thinking on it - i can see why you made the connection and both are very useful in their respective languages.

Since i code in both Tcl and D - nice to see a connection here.


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