On Saturday, 28 April 2018 at 15:30:01 UTC, Jonathan M. Wilbur wrote:
Does anybody know of a SAST tool that can scan D code for security vulnerabilities? In other words, does anybody know of something that will analyze raw D source code for security vulnerabilities that the human eye may have missed?

There is DScanner which does some linting, but it is not specifically security oriented.

Speaking strictly of memory safety, some parts of D are designed to make security audits much easier than C/C++:

- If your programs are @safe (i.e. the module starts with @safe: , as should be the case for a security-critical application), you only need to review @trusted code (and, as necessary, any @system code called by the @trusted code).

- Casts are done with an explicit keyword (cast) to make such auditing easier. (Code that uses casts to convert between non-reference types can use std.conv.to instead, to speed up future audits.)

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