On 04/05/2018 11:35 PM, Sjoerd Nijboer wrote:
So i'm a college student in and what bothers me is that there seem to kind of assume programming languages don't evolve or don't get replaced by better ones. Right now if you go to college you'll most likely get tought c++, c# or java for any comp sci degree. While these languages are industrial standards, they all have their drawbacks. And one drawback that looks important for teaching is flexibility in expressiveness.

From my experience college students seem to have problems translating their often declarative thought process into actual semi compile-able code that runs in a given language. Since D seems to be a language that supports a lot of programming paradigms very well, wouldn't it be beneficial to learn people declarative programming using D for a little and from there expose them to other programming styles in thesame language to lower the barrier of entry?

I made this very argument during my own degree.

First we need adoption, then maybe we can start designing a course to help get them going.

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