On Tuesday, 1 May 2018 at 12:26:25 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I realize it's right before the conference, but I'd like to put out a request for Walter and Andrei to spend five minutes during your talks laying out some overarching strategy for how you see D evolving. It could be during the keynotes or leading off the Q&A panel, but I think it's worth laying a broad strategy out there.

Specifically, what uses do you see D being put to for the next five years and how do we make it better in those directions. For example, in what way you'd like to see D get better as a language for writing apps, or what particular niches you see D as a systems language doing well in first.

For another example, here's what I'd say, ie my strategic vision: the pendulum is about to swing hard back towards the client, towards the billion and a half mobile devices sold each year, and D is ideally positioned with its native efficiency to do well there. However, since it's not the blessed language for any mobile platform, like Kotlin or Swift, it will take much work on libraries to pull that off.

Some caveats: since D is not controlled by a company with W&A as co-CEOs, they cannot obviously order people to follow their vision. However, that should leave you free to really share your unexpurgated thoughts, after all, we're all free to ignore it. ;)

Another is that perhaps D has chosen to evolve tactically as opposed to strategically, carefully picking off wins with a new feature or mode of programming but not following any grand strategy, similar to how Linus Torvalds claims he didn't have any grand vision for linux either. However, a strategic vision can inspire people to work towards that goal, if there is one to be shared.

My 2 cents. I have been following D for a long time and started using it in a very small project. I am a very long term C++ user.

Many people say that D does not offer anything over C++, improvements-wise. Or people tell you that there is Go and Rust. Because D does not have these fancy algebraic data types, or that borrow checker... no, no and NO. I think we do not need to enter that game. I have tried all 3. Here is my opinion.

1. Go --> excellent...!!! For what it does: namely, intensive communication client/server. It falls short of abstraction power in some areas, has no compile-time evaluation, no metaprogramming... though I must recognize it works pretty smooth for its simplicity.

2. Rust --> the borrow checker... excellent, in theory: in practice, as Andrei Alexandrescu once mentioned: you spend a lot of effort on something that in reality is not a problem most of the time. It is a problem, yes, but these problems can be avoided with much more lightweight solutions or simply, as D does, being able to avoid GC where it is needed. A much more practical solution. Rust has other things of value, such as Algebraic data types and Traits, but the borrow checker has a big impact for several reasons: it takes time to get used to, socially, people cannot use Rust from day one, so... you need added training for teams. But also remember... an "alien" type system makes it more difficult for integration with previous systems.

How should be D advertised? Well, I think that Ali Çehreli did a good job explaining in one of his keynotes the conveniencies of D, but this will not make people migrate. Why I am myself starting to take a look into D? I am a person that if I publish a project as open source, I want people to be able to contribute. Coding is, above all, a social activity, so:

- Come from Java, C#, want faster alternative? D will take little effort. - Come from C, abstractions are too low level? D will take the same effort as alternatives with native performance, but you can start coding today. - Come from C++ (like myself)? D is way cleaner and more convenient: modules, better metaprogramming, pervasive CTFE, *much better introspection* and also easy to learn.

Those are all good reasons, but, for me, what sets D apart is its level of integration with C/C++. If I come for D in the first place is because I can reuse my old code. This is true for most businesses: they have older code to integrate.

So my opinion is that D is a very pragmatic language that has this real, also management-perceivable advantages over all these nice algebraic data types integrated into the language and so on:

- if I pick up D in a team, it is very likely that D will be easier to pick up because many, many people know C++/Java/C# or similar things. This is a very important social factor and usually not mentioned or underestimated. - if I have some C/C++ code to integrate, I can do it *way smoother* than with other languages to do it: please guys keep working on this. - if I want safety, there are mechanisms that take you 90% there. Why would you pick up an alien like Rust where you have to relearn all, but not only that, you have to train full teams? This has a cost that is never analyzed seriously, but, on top of that, with an alternative mechanism such as GC + ability to disable it you can easily get there at a very low cost, because you skip a lot of the training for things such as the borrow checker. - and last but not least, because of its insanely powerful metaprogramming: opening files at compile time + CTFE + metaprogramming, you can reach a level of integration with language bindings like Python or others that it is simply not possible with other languages, all at compile-time.

So, all in all, if I had to advertise D in a strategic way, it would be:

- the language for which migration for your team is going to work much smoother than the alternatives. I mean *much better*. Especially C/C++ - it does not feel alien -> another practical reason for saving training and moving things faster. Java/C#/C/C++ people can pick it up easily. And with native performance. - powerful metaprogramming -> integration with other systems has an edge. - native performance: fast code, but not only fast, you can avoid also the GC if you want and use it @safe ly.

What this means overall is that this language is the most practical of the pack for many reasons, compared to picking up the (in my opinion) almost academic Rust or the very specialized Go.

Some kind of slogans for D I could think of:

D: familiar, native and with a superior integration story: start being productive from day 1. D: the pragmatic language, for people that need to get things done.

Or something similar. This is very true. We do not leave in a void, we have code, we have libraries from other languages, we need to integrate. D has an edge here, besides the learning curve, compared to any other native language.

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