On 11/05/2018 2:43 AM, jmh530 wrote:
On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 13:47:16 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

Adding a keyword like sealed isn't desirable.

I'm trying to find fault of the concept, but it definitely is tough.

You basically want protected, but only for specific packages, otherwise final.

protected(foo, final)

My read was that he wants an escape hatch on final so that he can extend the type in a module and not have to worry about people in other modules extending them.

So if he has

module foo;

class A { }

final class B : A {    }

in one module, he wants to be able to create a new

final class C : B {    }

and keep class B as final so that no one else can extend it in another module.

You're right, I just didn't put it well.

My current thinking is something along the lines of:

modifier ( !|opt IdentifierList )
modifier ( !|opt IdentifierList , modifier )

Not quite correct grammar, but close enough.



would do what Piotr wants.

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