On Wednesday, 16 May 2018 at 04:25:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
I think that really what you want is something that's geared more towards teaching the language. The ways that the language spec needs to be improved really revolve around making it a proper spec, which means making it far more precise, not making it more amenable to folks reading it in order to learn the language. But unfortunately, what we have right now is kind of in the middle. It's not precise enough to really be a proper spec, and it's generally terse enough that it's harder to use it as a learning resource (though it usually has the necessary information in it).

- Jonathan M Davis

Also, having a C++ like spec, written by the elite, for the elite, and then everyone else has to wait until some kind person explains the spec, is really not a great model.

It's equivalent to the elitist view of trickle down economics - which is not working in my country.

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