On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:34:38 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
The return type for range-oriented functions in std.algorithm is usually not terribly useful.

So the first question that comes to my mind are what are the 'rules' of the output. Which is really what typing is. It's a series of rules. Your object is allowed to call these methods/properties. It is 'this' size. Languages have generic returns. D is not the only language with a concept of returning a 'compiler determined type'. But the rules are always baked into the API. If it's not, it's a design failure and more thought should be put into it.

The only place I wouldn't be so strict with auto returns is in private methods. However, I still might tell someone to think about what they are trying to return there. It's not an unimportant piece of the API.

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