On Tuesday, 22 May 2018 at 14:56:52 UTC, Ethan wrote:
Repeat ad infinitum for each slightly different configuration you want. I always make the point of programmers being lazy by definition, and not being able to do something as simple as declare a type with a single statement is an clear example of reducing usability - which is a critical consideration the lazier a programmer is.

This is the place where an editor could greatly improve productivity. Writing the parameterized instantiation of `enum option = Option(foo: true, bar: 5 ..);` and just being able to press a hotkey in a code editor and have the type automagically generated for you would nullify this benefit and at thesame time giving you all benefits of a struct. It even allows you to later add in some specific kind of initialization of these variables whitout much hastle.

This is something i really miss in D. :/

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