On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 23:04:40 UTC, Sjoerd Nijboer wrote:
For someone coming from a C# background there is some seemingly simple syntactic sugar missing from D.

* The null conditional operator `?.`
* Something like a `yield return` statement for coroutines.
T* he `async` & `await` keyword from C# make proactor pattern async code extremely easy to reason about.
* a good syntax for properties so there's less code bloat.
* replacing `Allocator.make()` with `new!Allocator`. After all `new` can be concidered as just a wrapper around the standard GC allocator. Why can't we just have a special template of it?

I have realized that I have become quite dependant on syntactic sugar to the point that it severely impacts my productivity when I work whitout. And these ones are my biggest obstacles when I try to work with D from a C# experience. I think that C# really nailed down some of these particular examples except the last one of course. And I also think D could do a better job of embracing productivity through supporting syntax of common tasks and borrow from other languages in that regard.

But the most important question is how other people feel about that. If people hate syntactic sugar D will never become that gem for me that I would like it to be. But if key people want it, it one day might.

They are generally vehemently against anything that will make programmers lives easier unless it can be implemented as a library solution. They err on the side of library complexity vs compiler complexity even if the feature adds no additional complexity.

This is a good thing because most things that one wants to do can be done as a library solution with only a more inconvenient form. In the long term it is better to litter the library with poorly thought out "features" than poorly thought out features being permanently lodged in to the compiler/language. Of course, their is depreciation... This also allows one to "depreciate" without "depreciating", but at least it's easy to back up a source code library and all the dependencies of to that library and the compiler and all those dependencies of those dependencies. With modern TB drives we can now create a near continuous recordings of the state of a program and never worry about anything becoming stale.

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