On Saturday, 16 June 2018 at 19:20:30 UTC, FromAnotherPlanet
Hi, I come from a C# background and have been looking at D. How
well does D implement solid principals? I've grown to really
enjoy the SOLID style.
For those unfamiliar, SOLID is an acronym for:
- Single purpose: Meaning every unit of code (whether it's a
function or class) should only
have one reason to change.
- Open/Close principal: Things should be open to extension but
closed to modification. The example I like to use is some sort
of IConverter object. Things can implement IConverter, but if
you need a new way to 'convert' things, you don't extend an
existing object, but instead create a new class that implements
- Liskov substitution principle: Essentially says if I have a
method/function that takes a base class, then the behavior of
that method shouldn't change when passing in derived objects. I
think the term people like to use is whether or not you use a
base/derived class it shouldn't effect the 'correctness' of the
Also if there is any good literature that explains the 'D' way of
going about these principals or even how it enhances them that
would be helpful.
- Interface segregation principal: Essentially breaking the
program up into smaller interfaces. Sometimes only consistent
of one or two methods/properties (can feed into 'S' of SOLID
quite nicely).
- Dependency inversion principle: Things should depend on
abstractions not concretions. Strongly enables dependency
D seems to have all of the features *required* to make this
happen, but I guess the real question is the last two, and more
specifically the last one.