On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 08:56:05 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I believe we have a first, Code Critique 112 is a D code. And indeed a vibe.d one. I believe a number of people from this email list should volunteer themselves to do a constructive critique to help educate ACCU members. With the obvious subtext of D being a far, far better language than C++ ;-)

I'm not quite sure constructive critique is possible in this case. It's just a bad piece of code poorly implementing something that is a part of the vibe-core.

Below is the email from accu-general


Code Critique 112

Hello all,
Below is the code for Code Critique number 112

As usual, please don't reply to the list with your entry but email s...@accu.org for collation.

(Submissions to s...@accu.org by August 1st)

Further to articles introducing D, I am attempting to use the event-driven Vibe.d server library, which I understand to be like a native version of Python's Tornado and potentially a “killer app” of D as I haven't seen any other mature event-driven server library in a compiled language.

I would like to build a back-end server that performs some processing on the body of the HTTP request it receives. To begin with, I would like it to simply echo the request body back to the client.

There is vibe.web.rest which covers 90% of everything one might need for their back-end application. There's practically no reason to bother with bodyReaders/Writers.

My code works but there are three problems: (1) when I issue a POST request with lynx, 3 spaces are added to the start of the response text, (2) I cannot test with nc because it just says 404 and doesn't log anything, and (3) I'm worried that reading and writing just one byte at a time is inefficient, but I can't see how else to do it: I raised a "more documentation needed" bug at https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/issues/2139 but at the time of writing nobody has replied (should I have used a different forum?)

--- code ---
import vibe.d;
void main() {
    auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
    settings.port = 8080;
    listenHTTP(settings, (req, res) {
        ubyte[1] s;
        while(!req.bodyReader.empty()) {

1. It has something to do with lynx, curl works flawlessly
2. Writing HTTP manually is somewhat painful. Request should look something like this:

$ echo -ne "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:8080\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nHey" | nc localhost 8080

3. There's `pipe` function in `vibe.core.stream` which does exactly that. I haven't looked at its code but I'm pretty sure it's far more efficient than byte-by-byte approach:

import vibe.d;

void main() {
        auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
        settings.port = 8080;
        listenHTTP(settings, (req, res) {

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