The overloaded opAssign in SysTime makes it unusable with Nullable in structs that have invariants that fail on T.init and hence @disable this().

struct S
  SysTime st_;

  int i;
  invariant { assert(i > 0); }
  this(int i) { this.i = i; }
  @disable this(); // S() is not a valid S

Nullable!S ns;
^ this fails - SysTime has opAssign and could thus observe the invalid .init state.

Nullable!T is constructable in one of two cases: first, if T() is a valid value of T, in which case the Nullable can initialize its member to T(), and second, if T does not overload opAssign, in which case there is no way for it to notice its invalid state. SysTime overloads opAssign, so S overloads opAssign, so S's opAssign call would trigger the invariant.
So S is unusable in Nullables, all because SysTime has opAssign.

Which is ...


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