On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 11:36:51 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:
In Rust, they have something call mod.rs, which is very similar to package.d. When you use a module 'foo' in Rust, it can either be 'foo.rs' or 'foo/mod.rs'. If 'foo' has sub-modules, it has to be 'foo/mod.rs'.

Now in the Rust 2018 edition, they are getting rid of mod.rs. So when you import 'foo', rustc will always look for 'foo.rs', and if 'foo' has submodules, it can still reside in 'foo/submodule.rs'.

This makes me think if package.d is a good idea, and if we should try to get rid of it as well.

I use package.d for more than just submodules.

I use it to share modules from different packages into a single package too, as well symbols and more!

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