On 23.07.2018 19:05, Jean-Louis Leroy wrote:
This works:
static foreach (fun; __traits(allMembers, genfun)) {
static if (fun == "foo") {
static if (is(typeof(__traits(getOverloads, genfun, fun)))) {
static foreach (ovl; __traits(getOverloads, genfun, fun)) {
void internal(Parameters!ovl args) {
mixin("alias %sbar = internal;".format(fun));
Does anyone see a potential problems with this?
It generates additional symbols.
Or a better solution? I
would like to avoid the alias.
You can mix in the entire declaration.
mixin(`void `~fun~`bar(Parameters!ovl args) { mixin(fun)(args); }`);
It would of course be useful if the locations where string mixins can
occur were less restricted, such that things like
void mixin(fun~`bar`)(Parameters!ovl args){ ... }
would work too, but this will require a DIP.