On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 00:15:37 UTC, spikespaz wrote:
I needed a truncate function on the `std.stdio.File` object, so I made this function. Does it look okay? Are there any cross-platform improvements you can think of that should be added?

import std.stdio: File;

void truncate(File file, long offset) {
    version (Windows) {
        import core.sys.windows.windows: SetEndOfFile;


    version (Posix) {
        import core.sys.posix.unistd: ftruncate;

        ftruncate(file.fileno(), offset);

Error handling is completely missing. It should throw a FileException or something when encountering an error, and there can be a lot of errors. Here the list of errno errors that ftruncate() can fail with: EFBIG, EINTR, EINVAL, EIO, EISDIR, EPERM, EROFS, ETXTBSY and EBADF.
for Windows it will be probably quite similar.

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