On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 08:33:52 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
On Monday, 30 July 2018 at 13:48:46 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
On Sunday, 29 July 2018 at 03:20:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 7/28/2018 11:18 AM, Manu wrote:
Make a PR that implements namespace as a string... I will use that fork of D forever.

1. Look how it is mangled on the C++ side. (Use "grep" on the object file.)

2. Use:

   pragma(mangle, "the mangled name")

This doesn't work for templates. If it did I wouldn't have an issue since libclang tells me what the mangling is.

What is the deal-breaker with templates? For simple functions libclang + pragma seems the best option right now.

template fun()
    pragma(mangle, "_ZN2ns3funEv")
    void fun() {}

mixin fun;

Your template doesn't have any template parameter. Bear in mind mangling is dependent on the instance, not the declaration.

Once you add some template parameter, you need to mangle your template parameter list, which you could *almost* reasonably do with CTFE, but since you are on POSIX, you also got fun things like components and template parameter substitution.

    struct Array16479 (Arg) { Arg* data; }
    Array16479!(FuncT2) func16479_4 (FuncT1, FuncT2) (FuncT1);
    static assert(func16479_4!(int, float).mangleof
                  == `_Z11func16479_4IifE10Array16479IT0_ET_`);
As you see the return value (`Array16479IT0_E`) encode a backreference to the symbol's template parameter: T0_ reference the second template argument. If you throw some more language features (e.g. aliases) you quickly realize you need a full semantic analysis to get the mangling right on templates.

More test cases/examples (and shameless self plug): https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/8455/files

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