I don't know if I believe this is necesarrily bad. It's revealing some bad coding on your part.

You shouldn't be doing opEquals with an rvalue of a class. Make getFoo return a reference.

ref Foo getFoo() {} fixes the problem and avoids value-copying for no reason to an rvalue that's going to get garbage collected.


On 2009-12-12 07:14:50 -0800, dsimcha <dsim...@yahoo.com> said:

I've noticed that, for DMD 2.037, we've started mandating that the input
parameter for struct opEquals be const ref T.  This seemed like a good idea
initially, but it creates the horribly leaky abstraction that the right-hand
argument to opEquals can't be an rvalue.  Example:

struct Foo {
    bool opEquals(const ref Foo rhs) const {  // Only signature
                                              // that compiles.
        return true;

Foo getFoo() {
    return Foo();

void main() {
    Foo foo = getFoo();
    bool isEqual = foo == getFoo();

Error:  Foo.opEquals type signature should be const bool(ref const(Foo)) not
const bool(Foo rhs)

Will this be getting fixed witht he new operator overloading?

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